UPY Marine Conservation - Winner
Pasquale Vassallo
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UPY Marine Conservation - Winner
'Last Dawn, Last Gasp'
Pasquale Vassallo
This winter, I went diving with some local fishermen. At 6 in the morning I was already in the water, as the nets were raised at first light. During the dive I followed the path of the fishing nets from the bottom to the surface. As the fishermen quickly hauled on the nets, I tried to take some shots of trapped fish still suffering in the mesh, such as this tuna (Euthynnus alletteratus).
Judge's comment: If a picture paints a thousand words then a great one asks a thousand questions. You know those questions; so do I. All we can do is show the truth to those who live above but can’t envisage the world below and hope that they start asking questions.
- Peter Rowlands
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