UPY Portrait - Highly Commended
Pedro Jarque Krebs
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UPY Portrait - Highly Commended
'Close encounters'
Pedro Jarque Krebs
The hippopotamus is one of the most dangerous animals because of its strength and territoriality. Approaching a hippopotamus in its territory and underwater can be fatal...
Therefore, my photograph was taken with a hippo in captivity, which has ideal facilities with ample space for immersion, so that I could focus on what really interests me in myp hotography, namely to portray the animals as closely as possible.
I specialize in animal photography and in general my portraits are taken either in a natural environment or in captivity and even in sanctuaries. I try to establish a more intimate relationship between the animal and the viewer, and in general I isolate the animal from any context to avoid distractions. This photograph is one of the few animal portraits I have taken without a black background.
Judge's comment: What a face! Love how it appears through the shoal of African cichlids. We?ve had previous winners in UPY taken in aquariums, but never seen a face like this pop up!
- Alex Mustard
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