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UPY  Marelux Macro - Runner Up

Sage Ono

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UPY  Marelux Macro - Runner Up
'New life'
Sage Ono

Life begets life. In the cold green waters of Monterey Bay, there is no organism more essential to the ecosystem than Giant Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera.) It is shelter, sustenance, and stability for countless different species. Despite that, kelp is something that most divers see as nothing more than scenery; that is a shame. Hidden among the holdfasts and crawling through the canopy lie the kelp forest's treasures. On an otherwise unremarkable jaunt to Metridium Fields, I was struck by this clutch of tubesnout eggs nestled beneath some pneumatocysts. Normally, anything in Monterey Bay is quickly covered with fuzzy algae and marine debris, but both the kelp and the eggs were new and absolutely pristine. After 15 minutes of failed compositions, I was able to find a balance between the golden kelp, ruby eggs, and space, to let them shine.

Judge's comment: Absolutely wonderful and artistic composition! This minimalism looks so beautiful - almost like a set of jewelry in a shop window. Excellent effort of the photographer so create such an amazing image just out of an ordinary subject.
Tobias Friedrich

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