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UPY  Marelux Macro - Highly Commended

Nicolas REMY

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UPY  Marelux Macro - Highly Commended
'Seadragon swirl'
Nicolas REMY

The weedy seadragon is an elegant cousin of seahorses, which is endemic to parts of Australia’s Southern states. Along the Sydney coastline, the “weedy” is usually found feeding amongst kelp algae, where its camouflage works particularly well. I have taken many photographs which illustrate how the seadragon fits in this environment, but this time I wanted the weedy to stand-out from the kelp background. To achieve this, I went for a more artistic photographic approach, creating a composite image: I took 2 photos on the same dive site, with the same equipment but with different settings, and combined them in-camera.

Judge's comment: Excellent composition paired with a creative vision! Also the color combination is excellent. I wish this would have been a one-shot though!
Tobias Friedrich

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