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UPY  Marelux Macro - Commended

Chris Gug

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UPY  Marelux Macro - Commended
Chris Gug

For years, I had been wanting to make a relatively simple image of a golden damselfish set against a background of red sea whips. In my mind, it was more an image of a background coral with a small fish in it, rather than a photo of a fish in the coral. But on multiple trips to various South Pacific locations, there was always some problem with the sea whips - one branch would be broken, lack of current caused the polyps to be retracted, the damsel was too rough... just always something to make me cringe with OCD! So when I found this little gem living in what is clearly NOT red sea whips, I had to twist my mind out of it's rigidity, and realize that the gorgonian background I was searching for was indeed a different species, and was right in front of me!

Judge's comment: A beautiful frame, that celebrates this expansive coral that provides a home to juvenile golden damsels. Gug (Chris) has distilled the bustle and complexity of the coral reef in this simple graphic frame - perfect focus and framing, corner to corner.
Alex Mustard

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