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UPY  Portrait - Highly Commended

Fan Ping

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UPY  Portrait - Highly Commended
'Cave diver at Swiss Siphon'
Fan Ping

Swiss Siphon is an extremely decorated salt water passage at Cenote Jailhouse in Quintana Roo, Mexico. It is about a 60-70 minute swim to this specific spot from the entrance, and a total of 3.5 hour runtime including staging the lights for a couple of shots. The diver Kirk's outstanding diving skills on rebreather has made this HDR shot a lot easier, and the image also represents what a true cave diver is like in the beautiful underwater caves of Mexico.

Judge's comment: Already technically and photographically perfect, the Back Story reveals the long time and incredible skills needed to perfect such an amazingly eye catching image. Hats off to everyone involved.
Peter Rowlands

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