UPY Behaviour - Commended
Manuel Castellanos Raboso
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UPY Behaviour - Commended
'The Bait'
Manuel Castellanos Raboso
A bait ball is a fascinating display of rhythm, lightning reflexes and collaboration. It will herd tightly to minimize volume, then open up around you as predators charge in from the other side. This was a stormy day at sea; the swell made everyone sick, but Mother Nature gifted us with the beautiful encounter I was looking for. After a few challenging hours, a sizeable semi-dynamic bait ball surrounded by stripped marlin appeared. This unique moment allowed me to get close and capture the essence of the hunt. It was like an orchestra, and its conductor, pictured here in the brief pause before the next explosive movement.
Judge's comment: We are never short of bait ball, marlin images but this one has graphic simplicity, lovely lighting on the bait ball with the perfectly placed marlin topped off with complimentary surface textures.
Peter Rowlands
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