UPY British Waters Wide Angle - Highly Commended
Henley Spiers
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UPY British Waters Wide Angle - Highly Commended
'Cat Shark Over Mussel Beds'
Henley Spiers
A spotted cat shark swims over horse mussel beds in Shetland, one of the richest marine ecosystems in British waters. Also known as dogfish, they are the most most common shark in our waters but have long experienced a difficult relationship with humans. An early 20th century text describes them as the “foe of fisherman” who “wages incessant war with their nets and catches”. Beachgoers are most likely to be aware of this shark through their egg pouches which wash up on shore and are commonly known as ‘mermaid’s purses’. Despite their modest size, I find cat sharks to be amongst the most beautiful of their species, with large eyes and intricate skin patterning. To share the water with them over these horse mussel beds, an area which has been protected from dredging by the local shell fishermen, made for one of the most memorable dives of my career.
Judge's comment: Camera movement techniques must have a reason otherwise they irritate but this is a great example of a well thought out and executed idea. Beautifully lit and perfectly timed both compositionally and shutter speed wise, it was a pleasant sight for sore judges’ eyes.
Peter Rowlands
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