2025 Winners
Underwater Photographer of the Year 2025 results gallery
"You are in the right place! Below you will find the feast of awarded images from the 2025 Underwater Photographer of the Year contest, following our largest ever entry. Please devour the photographs, but also savour the accompanying backstories from the photographers. It is a truly international spread, these winners come from photographers from 30 different countries.
As it says on our tin, we’re an underwater imaging contest, and while this is a niche discipline, UPY always surprises with its diversity of imagery. Of course you will see natural history pictures of amazing ocean wildlife, but these are alongside swimming pool shots of Olympic athletes, a view of camels from inside of a water butt and a rarely seen, let alone photographed shipwreck, from more than 100m below the surface. Each image tells you something more about the seven tenths of our planet’s surface that is underwater."
Alex Mustard (Chair of the UPY Jury)
slideshow of winning images | Award Winners | Wide Angle | Macro | Wrecks | Behaviour | Portrait | Coral Reefs | Black & White | Up & Coming | Compact | British Waters Wide Angle | British Waters Macro | British Waters Living Together | Save our Seas Foundation Marine Conservation
Award Winners
Alvaro Herrero (Mekan) (Spain)
Alvaro Herrero (Mekan) from Spain talks about his shot which won him the title of Underwater Photographer of the Year 2025
Ruruka (Korea)
Ruruka from Korea talks about his shot which won him the title of Up & Coming Photographer of the Year 2025
Robert Marc Lehmann (Germany)
David Alpert (UK)
David Alpert from the UK talks about the image that won him the title of British Underwater Photographer of the Year 2025
James Lynott (UK)
James Lynott form the UK talks about his image that won him the title of Most Promising British Underwater Photographer of the Year 2025
Wide Angle
Alvaro Herrero (Mekan) (Spain)
Alvaro Herrero (Mekan) from Spain talks about his shot which won the Wide Angle category in UPY2025.
Alvaro Herrero (Mekan) (Spain)
Joost van Uffelen (Netherlands)
John Pfisterer (USA)
Kate Vylet (USA)
Dawn McDonald (USA)
Mehmet A. Gungen (Turkiye)
Vanessa Mignon (Australia)
Fabrice Dudenhofer (France)
Chong Wan Yong (Malaysia)
Paolo Bondaschi (Italy)
Paolo Bondaschi from Italy talks about his shot which won the Macro category in UPY2025.
Bryan H. Blauvelt (USA)
Nicholas More (UK)
Paolo Isgro (Italy)
Weiwei Zeng (China)
Adam Martin (USA)
Simon Biddie (UK)
Magnus Lundgren (Sweden)
Patrick Neumann (Indonesia)
Doris Vierkötter (Germany)
Alex Dawson (Sweden)
Alex Dawson from Sweden talks about his shot which won the Wrecks category in UPY2025.
Wojciech Dopierala (Poland)
Alex Dawson (Sweden)
Alex Dawson (Sweden)
Frank Aron (Germany)
Rick Ayrton (UK)
Jean-Baptiste Cazajous (France)
Renee Capozzola (USA)
Martin Broen (USA)
Jantina Scheltema (Netherlands)
Shunsuke Nakano (Japan)
Shunsuke Nakano from Japan talks about his shot which won the Behaviour category in UPY2025.
Eduardo Acevedo (Spain)
Lorincz Ferenc Lorinc (Hungary)
Henley Spiers (UK)
Richard Barnden (USA)
Anton Sorokin (USA)
Yazid Shaari (Libya)
Jonas Beyer (Denmark)
Mark Chang (Philippines)
Wen Chou Wu (Taiwan)
Abdulaziz Al Saleh (Kuwait)
Abdulaziz Al Saleh from Kuwait talks about his shot which won the Portrait category in UPY2025.
Hussain Aga Khan (Switzerland)
Patrick Webster (USA)
Luc Rooman (Belgium)
Jonas Beyer (Denmark)
Isaac Szabo (USA)
George Kuo-Wei Kao (Taiwan)
Fabrice Dudenhofer (France)
Yinan Liu (China)
Marcus Greatwood (UK)
Coral Reefs
Catherine Holmes (UK)
Catherine Holmes from the UK talks about her shot which won the Coral Reefs category in UPY2025.
Jenny Stock (UK)
Hitomi Tsuchiya (Japan)
Sage Ono (USA)
Renee Capozzola (USA)
Joe Daniels (France)
Joe Daniels (France)
Dr. Tom Shlesinger (Israel)
Luc Rooman (Belgium)
Ishino (Japan)
Black & White
Enric Gener (Spain)
Enric Gener from Spain talks about his shot which won the Black & White category in UPY2025.
James Rokop (USA)
Nur Tucker (UK)
Luc Rooman (Belgium)
Pietro Cremone (Italy)
Mike Korostelev (Russian Federation)
Toh Xing Jie (Singapore)
Jon Anderson (USA)
Rosie Richards (Australia)
Pietro Cremone (Italy)
Up & Coming

Ruruka (Korea)
Ruruka from Korea talks about his shot which won the Up & Coming category in UPY2025.
Christian Hut (Singapore)
Autumn Martin (Canada)
Fin He (China)
Ross Makulec (Indonesia)
Ruruka (Korea)
Joseph Ricketts (USA)
Christine Hartley (USA)
Ronja Arnold (Germany)
Joseph Ricketts (USA)
Bryant Turffs (USA)
Bryant Turffs from the USA talks about his shot which won the Compact category in UPY2025.
Enrico Somogyi (Germany)
Jenny Stock (UK)
Andrea Michelutti (Italy)
Martin Mayobre
Ben Sarinda (Indonesia)
Adam McKnight (Australia)
Jo Taylor (Australia)
Kate Jonker (South Africa)
Alopa (Italy)
British Waters Wide Angle
David Alpert (UK)
David Alpert from the UK talks about his shot which won the British Waters Wide Angle category in UPY 2025.
Simon Temple (UK)
Rick Ayrton (UK)
Martin Stevens (UK)
Martin Stevens (UK)
Shannon Moran (UK)
Guy Trees (UK)
Hector Clarke (UK)
Rick Ayrton (UK)
Dave Peake (UK)
British Waters Macro
Dan Bolt (UK)
Dan Bolt from the UK talks about his shot which won the British Waters Macro category in UPY2025.
James Lynott (UK)
Sandra Stalker (UK)
Cathy Lewis (UK)
Simon Temple (UK)
Dan Bolt (UK)
James Lynott (UK)
Ryan Stalker (UK)
Sandra Stalker (UK)
David Alpert (UK)
British Waters Living Together

Dan Bolt (UK)
Dan Bolt from the UK talks about his shot which won the British Waters Living Together category in UPY2025.
Guy Trees (UK)
Kirsty Andrews (UK)
David Alpert (UK)
Sandra Stalker (UK)
Kirsty Andrews (UK)
Terry Griffiths (UK)
Martin Stevens (UK)
James Harris (UK)
Atanas Petrov (UK)
Save our Seas Foundation Marine Conservation

Robert Marc Lehmann (Germany)
Henley Spiers (UK)
Giacomo Rossi (Mexico)
Joost van Uffelen (Netherlands)
Dan Mele ( Virgin Islands, U.S.)
Joe Daniels (France)
Dan Mele ( Virgin Islands, U.S.)
Henley Spiers (UK)
Xavier Mas Ferrà (Spain)
Kimber Greenwood (USA)