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UPY  British Waters Compact - 

James Lynott

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UPY  British Waters Compact - 
'Safe in the tentacles'
James Lynott

This large lion’s mane jelly was photographed during one of my most memorable dives of 2023, a fantastic summer dive in July with buddy Mark Kirkland in Loch Leven. Visibility was fantastic and the tides were perfect for exploring the large soft coral covered reef found at this site. This jellyfish drifted slowly past at about 15m depth so I positioned myself to get the sun in behind, while avoiding the long stinging tentacles. I used 2 strobes turned down to half power with dome diffusers to light up the jellyfish and avoid too much backscatter. I was lucky to also capture the juvenile fish before they hid away in amongst the tentacles.

Judge's comment: A beautifully lit scene and an impressive and natural looking jellyfish. A slightly lower viewpoint would have better positioned the medusa in front of the sun.
Alex Mustard

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