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UPY  Marelux Wide Angle - Highly Commended

Alex Dawson

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UPY  Marelux Wide Angle - Highly Commended
'Lara wreck'
Alex Dawson

This image was shot during my first rebreather tri-mix trip I hosted in the Red Sea in February 2022. The Wreck is called Lara and was sunk in November 1982 at Jackson Reef in the Straits of Tiran of the Red Sea. Many divers know this wreck from the parts of the wreckage are still on top of the reef but most of ship starts at 50m depth. Some parts are as deep as 80-90m. We did this dive on DPV's to handle the strong currents that can be very common in this area to assure our safety.

Judge's comment: Scale is one of the hardest visual themes to portray underwater with limited visibility and unfamiliar subject matter. This image captures the grander and the excitement of exploring a shipwreck. Very impressive to capture such an image at depth.
Alex Mustard

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